Friday 5 August 2016

Dr Aisha %% Legal "' 0739611440 "" Safe Abortion Clinic in Ladysmith, Port Shepstone, Harding, Tongaat, Mtubatuba, Secunda, Standerton.

Dr (VICKY)) 0739611440 Abortion Pills) (Clinic) :- Safe Termination / Abortion Quick Pills(Cytotec) From Call 0739611440 we specialize in first and second trimester Safe Termination/abortion Clinic and gynecological health Same Day services.Our main philosophy to each woman is we owe and provide a center for her to make her own health care decisions that serve her head and her body at an affordable cost in a safe, sterile, and caring environment from 1 week - 25 weeks of pregnancy.
Our doctor and facility staff will help you decide which method is best for you.Our staff is not only qualified to provide professional health care services but is also sensitive and non-judgmental to your emotional needs and decisions.
Each type of procedure we provide is Legal,safe,same day service and 100% effective.
These include.
Quick Medical Safe Abortion Clinic ,we offer medical abortion with the use of pills(Cytotec) to pregnant women who take the procedure in our medical rooms or in the privacy of their own home. Medical abortion is usually carried out by taking the pills orally. Either of two medications Mifeprex,Misoprostol or Mifepristone (RU486), can be used for medical abortion.Women who are 1 week -12 weeks (first trimester) medical abortion is the best procedure option. In Newcastle Non-Surgical Safe Abortion; The non-surgical abortion procedure offers patients an alternative to surgical abortion early in their pregnancy.Non-surgical abortions are safer than surgical abortions; many women find them gentler and feel they are a more "natural" option.The non-surgical abortion is also referred to as a medical Safe abortion by use of Mifeprex pills,Misoprostol or Cytotec.

How Effective is Mifeprex,Misoprostol ?

Mifeprex is 92-95% effective for safely ending pregnancy (5-8% of women will need a surgical procedure to end the pregnancy or stop heavy bleeding).

Surgical Safe Abortion
surgical abortion procedures can differ depending on the length of pregnancy,medical facility,physician,and personal circumstances.Though you'll need to contact us for detailed information,surgical abortions are 99% effective in terminating a pregnancy.Our nurses,counselors and medical staff deliver high quality care based on your specific needs.The procedure takes only 2 to 3 hours to complete and afterwards you will relax in our monitored recovery area for approximately one hour. However, the procedure can be done up to 28 weeks.

Aspiration Safe Abortion
An Aspiration Abortion is a safe, gentle, and effective
non-surgical procedure that is often considered to be the optimal way to end an early pregnancy. we have board certified OB/GYNs who are specially trained in early abortion care and perform the procedure in a time span of 5-10 minutes. The procedure is completed in one of our state of the art medical examination rooms.

Postoperative Instructions after.

After the Safe abortion you may eat and drink normally. It is best to avoid strenuous activity, avoid lifting over 10 pounds.
Please put NOTHING in the vagina for at least 7 days.
Do not have intercourse
Do not use tampons- sanitary pads only
Do not douche, go swimming, or take a tub bath- showers are fine.
Take as directed and avoid heavy exposure to sunlight, antacids, iron and alcohol.
When can I get my periods?

You should expect your next menstrual cycle 4-6 weeks after your Miscarriage.If you start birth control pills you will know exactly when your periods will begin.

Follow-Up Care

We can also provide you a follow-up exam 2- 3 weeks after the procedure. At this appointment you can bring up any questions or concerns that you have had since your procedure, discuss birth control, or schedule an appointment for general health care.
it's ok to contact this poster with services or other commercial interests Dr +27739611440
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• Location: Johannesburg

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